
How To Edit a Vlog Like a Pro? Ultimate Guide for YouTubers

How To Edit VlogNeedless to say, the editing process for a YouTube video or vlog is an essential one that may have a major effect on the quality of the final result.

Learn how to edit your vlog like a professional, whether you’re just starting or have been doing this for a while.

This article will teach you all you need to know, from choosing the correct software to advanced editing methods.

Prepare To Edit Your YouTube Videos

Some people like the editing process, while others find it tedious and time-consuming.

Editing, love it or hate it, is a necessary evil that eats into productive time. If you don’t want to feel pressured, avoid making changes to your video on the day of or the day of publication.

Keep in mind, vlogging is a great way to document your life and connect with others. It might be tiring to constantly revise and upload new versions of finished videos.

You might perhaps avoid this by editing your work in advance. Preparing your YouTube videos for release in advance reduces the time and effort required for editing. This tactic can help you stay ahead of the curve by allowing you to amass a large collection of films that are ready to be shared.

Here’s the deal:

If you have a budget and you think that editing is not for you – hire a professional YouTube video editor. Anyway, keep in mind, that it also takes time, because no one can edit your footage at first, as you imagine. So you must deal with that and dedicate some extra time to teaching your editor how you imagine the outcome of your video.

If you are prepared to edit your YouTube videos, move on.

Vlogging Editing Tools You Might Need

Vlogging Editing Tools You Might Need

You can transform your video footage into a great vlog by finding the right vlog editing software.

One quick recommendation is – Clipchamp’s free YouTube video generator eliminates the need for users to leave their web browser to generate engaging video content. Trim, resize, add stock video, music, text, and subtitles to vlog videos, and even personalize brand kits for intros and outros are options available when editing vlogs. It’s also possible to post your YouTube vlogs instantly.

Another quick suggestion is ssemble is an artificial intelligence (AI) movie editor that can be used online for quick vlog editing.

In other words, all vloggers need to have an editing application. It’s something that most of us don’t understand until we’ve done recording our first video and are faced with the task of editing it all together.

YouTube Video Editors for Free

If you simply need to cut, paste clips, and enter some simple text, free vlog editing software would suffice, but premium software will provide additional benefits in the long run.

There are plenty more choices, but these two are the most common.

YouTube Premium Editors

Professional editors utilize the editors listed below for a variety of tasks. They’re also popular on YouTube since having superb video editing gives you a competitive advantage. These programs come with thousands of choices and functionalities, and they encode video faster than most free apps.

  • Adobe Premiere Pro: This tool is top-rated on YouTube, but it includes everything you’ll need to edit a vlog.
  • Final Cut Pro: For MAC users, this is an alternative. It is likewise professional software, but it is incredibly costly.

These aren’t the only editors available; several less expensive and accessible choices are available.

Techniques and Best Practices of Video Editing

Techniques and Best Practices of Video Editing

1. Begin With Your Objective

Visualize how you want your completed video to look before you start. This will significantly assist you in determining which shots to take and which to avoid. It will aid you in deciding what sort of vlogging equipment and support you require and assist you in determining your budget.

You’ll avoid the all-too-common dilemma of not having one shot and having to bring all the equipment out again to take that one photo or video footage if you know exactly what you want in the end.

We often have to scrap the entire film when this happens since we’ve run out of time.

2. Learn the Fundamentals of Videography

You can’t make lousy footage appear like a beautiful film, no matter how excellent your editing is. One of the “secrets” of video editing is to start with high-quality footage and frame rate.

While you don’t need to attend a 6-month cinematography school, learning how to hold a camera, use different angles, and shoot different types of images may be quite beneficial.

3. Use As Few Transitions As Possible

One standard novice error is to employ too many various types of transitions, particularly showy ones. Effects such as jets coming in and wiping off the screen, the first scene bursting into the second scene, and so on can be employed occasionally.

Your videos will appear more professional if you merely utilize crossfades, fade-to-black, or fade-to-whites. The most common transition is still the straight cut. Choose one and stay with it.

4. Your Videos Should Be Divided Up

Part ways your videos if you’re recording educational videos for online classes, for example.

Fade to black and show a title shot for 3-5 seconds with the title of the following part whenever you go to a new topic. This breaks up the footage and keeps viewers from feeling like they’ve been sitting and watching the same video for 20 minutes. Instead, they’ll get the impression of seeing four different 5-minute clips.

Make YouTube videos shorter, divide them into different topics or vlog ideas, offer more material, and keep people returning for more.

5. Video is Less Critical Than Audio

Audio is more crucial than video. People can understand you and profit from your offering even if the video quality is not the best. However, if your audio isn’t effectively heard, you’ll lose your audience.

Again, the key to outstanding audio is recording before you start filming. Purchase an excellent microphone that fits your requirements and needs.

6. Become Accustomed to the “Remove Noise” Filter

Even with a high-quality mic, background noise is typically picked up. The “remove noise” filter will rapidly become your most utilized and favorite audio filter for most starting editors.

The filter lets you sample for noise using a brief “empty” video audio sample. It will then develop a noise profile and remove noise from your YouTube video.

There are several degrees to which noise may be removed. You won’t be able to eliminate all background noise if there is a lot of it. When too much noise is removed, unexpected pops and other audio distortions might occur.

7. Select a Primary Editing App

Avoid switching between multiple video editing programs. While it’s good to dip your toes into a few different programs to get a sense of what you enjoy, you should choose one and get to know it as fast as possible.

Each software will have its gimmicks, rendering filters, and keyboard shortcuts. To swiftly edit a video, you must master the ins and outs of only one application, not a little bit about others.

8. Utilize Shortcuts on the Keyboard

You may save hours of editing time by learning keyboard shortcuts.

Nobody expects you to memorize all of the keyboard shortcuts for every software, but you should remember all of the keyboard shortcuts for frequently used tasks.

Play, Pause, Stop, Play Backwards, Split, Copy, Paste, Cut, Insert Marker, and other shortcuts should become second nature to you.

The three seconds you save by not reaching for the mouse rapidly add up.

9. Color Corrections: The Fundamentals

Learning how to use features like White Balance, Levels, and Curves helps improve your video’s sharpness and color balance. Your film may have more blue, red, or green than it should have due to lighting, sunshine, or how your camera works. A “cast” of color will be superimposed on the exclusive footage.

Color correction can be used to eliminate the color cast and return the footage to its original state.

Additionally, color correction allows you to adjust brightness and contrast to make a video that shines rather than one that has slightly dull colors or light.

10. Instrumental Music

Background music may give a video a distinct “vibe.” Suspensive music might help get the adrenaline flowing in a stressful situation. I don’t appreciate music that plays continuously throughout a video; I like music used to accentuate specific scenes.

The key to background music is to choose the proper theme yet keep it in the background long enough that it doesn’t distract from the on-screen action and is overlooked by the audience. If you want to generate money from your video, you must utilize royalty-free music. Be aware while using copyrighted music in your videos.

11. Require At Least Basic Fonts

Unless you’ve studied typography, it’s always safer to use known fonts like Arial, Tahoma, Garamond, Helvetica, etc. When people watch a little video on a mobile device, it is also simpler to read.

Choosing the right font is both an art and science in and of itself. When novice editors employ unconventional typefaces, their videos seem unprofessional rather than inventive.

12. Taking Notes While Editing

Any job that will take more than a day or two should be meticulously documented using markers. Markers are little pieces of text that you may place on top of your timeline. Put “Mark talks about zebras” in the speech section where Mark talks about zebras, for example.

This could help you identify the exact point on your timeline you’re searching for much faster. It doesn’t matter as much for short movies, but the many hours spent attempting to identify the exact moment in a tape where something happens may add up quickly when it comes to larger productions.

A Guide to Video Editing on the iPhone

A Guide to Video Editing on the iPhone

Whether you’re on an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac, you can edit your video in the Photos app to make it longer or slower.

Trim the length of your video.

Sending a lengthy video over Mail or Messages isn’t an option. If that’s the case, you may just want to send a portion of the movie to your loved ones. Use the Photos app’s start and stop time controls to shorten your videos.

iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch video trimming instructions.

  1. Open the Photos app and choose the video you want to work on.
  2. Click on the Edit menu.
  3. Start and stop timings may be adjusted by dragging the sliders on each side of the video timeline. To get a preview of your trimmed video, just press the play button at the bottom of the video player.
  4. Tap Done, save the video, or create a new clip by selecting the option.

You can only save the reduced version of a video when choosing the Save Video option. Keep the original video, but save a trimmed version in your collection by selecting Save as New Clip.

Trimming videos on your iPhone is easy!

  1. Open the Photos app and select the film you’d want to work on to begin editing.
  2. To make changes, choose Edit.
  3. Using these sliders on each side of the video timeline may alter the start and stop timings. The play button will allow you to see your reduced video.
  4. Save the video or create a new clip by clicking Done.

Utilize applications developed by other parties.

You may also use third-party programs to edit your videos on your smartphone further. Alternatively, you may utilize third-party picture editing software on your device to supplement the built-in features of Photos. Learn more about editing on your smartphone with third-party extensions.

A Guide to Video Editing on an Android Device

On Android, you may crop videos using Google Photos

Videos recorded with your camera app may be edited or trimmed in the Google Photos app for Android. Install the Google Photos app from the Google Play Store if you don’t already have it.

These instructions show you how to edit a movie using the Google Photos app on Android.

  1. Use the Google Photos app on your Android smartphone to edit a video. You must have the video you wish to edit on your Android smartphone to use this app.
  2. To begin editing, open the video file by tapping on it. You may watch the video on your device.
  3. Tap outside of the video to bring up the editing menu.
  4. To access the Edit options, tap the Edit icon, the three horizontal lines with a vertical mark (located in the bottom center of the screen).
  5. Edit handles appear on the left and right sides of the video. To change the duration of a video, tap and hold the Edit handle, then drag the handle. If you’d like, go back and use the other Edit handle.
  6. To save a copy of the video, tap the Save copy button in the upper-right corner.
  7. In Google Photos, you may find both the uncut and edited versions of your video.

Use Samsung’s in-built video editing capabilities.

The built-in controls in the Gallery on a Samsung device allow you to cut or crop a video. The video editing capabilities are pretty similar to those found in Google Photos. You may also alter the video’s quality and aspect ratio and apply filters and other aesthetic enhancements.

  1. Open the video you wish to edit on your Samsung smartphone.
  2. In the lower-left corner, tap the pencil symbol.
  3. Please tap and drag from either end to enlarge or reduce a video’s frame.
  4. Save the clipped video in the upper-right corner if you don’t want to make further adjustments. No modifications have been made to the original video on your device.
  5. Use the Editing toolbar’s shortcuts to:
  • Filter the output
  • Apply the Beauty Mode
  • Make use of Closed Captioning
  • Stickers and emojis may be added
  • Change the hue and temperature to your heart’s content
  • Adjust the video’s playback speed
  • Stream the video with a soundtrack
  • Change the video resolution and file size by tapping Resolution at the top of the screen.

If you are unsure if your smartphone is suitable for vlogging, check the best phones for filming YouTube videos.

Inspiration for Vlog Editing 

Every vlogger or YouTuber is unique. They’re all inspired by different things and employ other editing techniques and tools.

However, the essential vlog elements are present in all thriving YouTube vlogs: speaking segments, music, sound effects, transitions, and a straightforward plot and goal.

Suppose you adhere to the vlog editing standards presented here to structure your recordings. In that case, you will be able to create videos of professional quality and do not need to spend thousands of dollars on the project. You can hire someone else to edit your work on your behalf if you honestly do not want to edit it yourself.

Glen Beker

Glen Beker

I am Glen and I’m a 100% tech-addicted guy, Blogger, Video Editor and Entrepreneur. I spent a lot of my time learning how to properly edit videos, I've tested a lot of vlogging equipment and now with my team, I share all these tips with you.
