
How to Make your YouTube Channel Visible in Search? A Comprehensive Guide

How to Make your YouTube Channel Visible in SearchSo you recently created a YouTube channel and don’t know how to make your YouTube channel visible in search now?

It is okay, many new channel owners and a few established YouTubers get stuck on this question at least once.

The good news is: It’s a simple problem. So you don’t need much effort to appear in the search results.

Whether you have made your YouTube account to earn money in the future, spread awareness about your brand, for informative purposes, or for creative purposes – if your channel is lying in the dark, somewhere inaccessible and unnoticed, no matter how wonderful your content is, it’s useless.

Building a large number of subscribers and views is necessary for success on YouTube, and for that, your channel must be visible in the search results before anything else.

Here, you’ll learn how to make your YouTube channel searchable if you are also stuck on the question, “how to make your YouTube channel visible in search?”

Make YouTube Channel Searchable

Before we start on how to make a YouTube channel searchable, read the list of the reasons that can make a channel invisible in the YouTube search:

  1. Your channel is new
  2. You’re using a very common channel name, or there is already a very popular channel with the same name
  3. Your channel name has a cuss word
  4. You haven’t used the relevant keywords properly
  5. Your channel is private
  6. You haven’t built your channel authority

Your Channel is New

If your channel is new, there isn’t much you can do but wait. It takes some time for a newly created YouTube channel to become visible in the search results.

Normally, it takes 8 to 36 hours for a YouTube video or channel to show up in the search results. However, you should wait for at least 3 days before you make a decision.

While you are waiting for your channel to appear in the search results, you can utilize your time making and uploading YouTube videos, writing a nice description, working on keywords, and making other relevant changes in the account settings.

Something Is Wrong With Your Channel Name

Make sure your channel name isn’t too common or already owned by someone you can never compete with.

Use a unique and interesting channel name, so that only you show up in the search results when it is searched for.

Also, make sure your channel name doesn’t contain profane or cuss words because they make it hard for you to rank.

If you are out of ideas for your channel name – use one of many YouTube name generators.

To change your channel name:

Go to Your Channel -> Customize Channel -> Basic Info -> Edit channel name.

You Haven’t Used Your Channel Name as a Keyword

In chess, there is at least one particular move that changes the entire course of the game. A keyword is equivalent to that move for those who want to make themselves visible in the search results.

If your channel isn’t appearing in the search results, it’s possible that you didn’t add your channel name as a keyword in different places, like in channel keywords, channel tags, channel description, video descriptions, and video tags.

Follow the following steps:

  • Visit YouTube studio -> Settings -> Channel -> Keywords.

Now, put your YouTube username as the first keyword. If the username is more than one word, make sure you add it twice – once with spaces between words, and once, without any spaces.

Channel Name as a KeywordFor example: if you’re the owner of the page NoCopyrightSounds, you can add the first few keywords as given in the image. Note: You should use the maximum number of keywords.

  • Then, visit Your Channel page -> About -> Description.

In the channel description, make sure your YouTube username is included at least once. While you are in the About section of your channel, also put your YouTube username as a tag.

NoCopyrightSouns YouTube ChannelNoCopyrightSounds using its channel name in the description. Also, including keyword NCS.

  • Now, in the description of your uploaded videos as well as new videos, put your YouTube username. Also, add a tag of your username in all videos.

Make Your YouTube Channel VisibleLook at this channel, using his username in the video title as well as in the description.

  • It is recommended to include your username in every video title till your channel shows up in the search.

You Haven’t Uploaded Enough Videos

YouTube algorithm works in such a way that the users get the most relevant results when they search for something. If your channel has less than 3 videos, your channel authority is very low, and YouTube will not bring it to any search results.

So upload multiple videos. And make sure your videos are publicly viewable because there’s a tiny possibility that your channel might be private.

To make your videos public:

Visit the Video manager and manually change the privacy of each video.

However, there are plenty of ways of beating YouTube algorithm, but this one is the most simple and effective for starters.

Getting Ranked on YouTube

What Now?

After following all the instructions, there’s no reason why your channel should still not be searchable.

However, when your channel is visible in the search, the next step is how to show up your content in the search. Because the ultimate goal of a YouTuber is to gain more views and subscribers and to rank on top for particular keywords.

And guess what? It’s just an extension of the steps to make a YouTube channel visible in the search.

Here’s how to rank your videos on YouTube:

Use the Right Keywords

 When it comes to getting yourself ranked on YouTube, Google, or other search engines, a keyword is a fuel that can either get you to the top page or somewhere below the tenth page in search rankings.

You can find the relevant keywords with the help of an online tool like Ahrefs, keywordtool.io, and Tubebuddy chrome extension.

Once you have found enough low-competition but relatively high search volume keywords with less SEO difficulty, using the relevant keyword in the right way is what matters the most.

How to use the relevant keywords in the right way?

There are 2 things to be kept in mind – using the right keywords and using them in the right way – both are inseparable if you want to rank high.

Add relevant keywords in the following places to rank in the top results:

  • Video titles
  • Video description
  • Video tags

Besides, go for:

  • Descriptive titles
  • Longer video lengths
  • High-quality content
  • Long video descriptions
  • External links in the description to increase your chances of ranking.

Here’s the deal:

Google is the largest search engine, so it is the ultimate aim of every YouTuber to rank their channel and content in Google search.

And fortunately, ranking in Google search doesn’t need much – at least not more than ranking in YouTube search.

First of all, make sure you have worked on YouTube SEO. Nobody can rank on Google before YouTube – YouTube ranking is the step to ranking on Google!

So, focus on your YouTube content – its quality and SEO – and the rest is easy:

  • Include key moments (chapters) in your videos
  • Upload subtitles
  • Create a unique and clickbait thumbnail
  • Focus on getting backlinks to your content


How to Find the Best Keywords for YouTube Video?

There are multiple keyword tools, both paid and free, that can help you find the most relevant keywords for your channel and videos. One such tool is Tubebuddy. Tubebuddy not only helps you in finding the perfect keywords but also stalk other channels, by helping you know the tags used in the relevant videos. In total, it has over 65 features, all helping in optimizing your content for YouTube’s search results. You can install its chrome extension. You can also use Google trends, Google search console, YouTube Analytics, and Ahrefs keyword tool among others.

Where is YouTube Channel ID?

To find your channel ID, go to channel settings -> Advanced settings. There you will see the User and Channel ID.

Does Your YouTube Channel Location Matter?

Yes, it’s recommended to choose the location according to your target audience. YouTube promotes your content more in your location, so that way more of your potential audience will notice your content.

Glen Beker

Glen Beker

I am Glen and I’m a 100% tech-addicted guy, Blogger, Video Editor and Entrepreneur. I spent a lot of my time learning how to properly edit videos, I've tested a lot of vlogging equipment and now with my team, I share all these tips with you.
